

Transforming Legal Services

LegalVision is a market disruptor in the commercial legal services industry.

Our innovative business model and custom-built technology assist our lawyers to provide a faster, better quality and more cost-effective client experience.

LegalVision is a leader in delivering legal services in Australia and has assisted more than 150,000 businesses.

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Series B


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The Matchstiq Top 2023

Snapshot of LegalVision

We're on a mission to power the success of every business by delivering legal support that is proactive, affordable and commercial.

The market opportunity ahead for LegalVision

After a very busy FY23, which included our successful expansion to the UK and really hitting our stride in NZ, we are excited to increase our market share in all jurisdictions by exploring new sales tactics, investing in new legal practice areas, and expanding our membership offering to provide even more value to clients. There has never been a more exciting time at LegalVision!

Why LegalVision is a great place to work

LegalVision is known for its incredible culture, especially within the legal services industry. We foster a culture that places trust, transparency, autonomy, client service, flexibility and fun at the centre of everything we do. Our New Zealand team works fully remotely, providing an unparalleled opportunity to assist quality corporate clients, all from the comfort of their own homes (or bach, local cafe, ski fields - you get the idea!).

Working with us


  • Best Experiences

    We’re strongest when we ensure the best experiences for our clients and our team.

  • Members First

    We believe membership is the best way to serve our clients.

  • Prepared for Change

    We’re always ready to try something new that could help us achieve our mission.

Want to keep up-to-date?

We send out a fortnightly email with relevant events, the latest jobs and career insights from interesting and candid people.

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