

Online money transfer

OrbitRemit is a mobile-first provider of cross-border payments. Our highly competitive exchange rates and low fixed-fees means more of our customers money gets to where it is needed most. Our mission is to enhance transparency associated with international payments and help further digital and financial literacy among our users.

Last year we saved our customers over $50m vs using the banks, hard earned money that makes a difference to people’s lives both here and in the final destination for their transfers.

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The Matchstiq Top 2023

Snapshot of OrbitRemit

The market opportunity ahead for OrbitRemit

OrbitRemit is focused on the US$39b personal cross-border money transfer segment in Asia Pacific, specifically targeting the remittance sub-sector (c.25% of all personal cross-border transfers).

Banks who traditionally dominated the sector, and currently account for 66% of the market, are being disrupted by digital money transfer platforms such as OrbitRemit due to the superior customer experience, settlement speed, transparency and lower costs.

Why OrbitRemit is a great place to work

We encourage our team to be curious, solve problems, and give them the autonomy to get things done. We treat our team with respect and honesty and celebrate wins along the way with regular team lunches. We have great tenure among our team with four employees (outside of founders) having now crossed ten years with the business.

Last year we underwent a major office renovation, we wanted to make our environment a great place to be and our team love the new space. We now get to enjoy Friday at our bar and this is always a great opportunity for people to catch up and reflect on their week.

Working with us


  • Do more with less

    Be resourceful and efficient. Commit to constant process improvement. Never lose a sense of urgency. Use everyone's time effectively.

  • Customers First

    Listen to the needs of our customers. Deliver beyond their expectations. Put ourselves in the shoes of our hardworking customers.

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