Ends in 1 min
NZ Tech Rally
Conference theme What does great software engineering culture look like, and how have Kiwis done it?
Who this is for Anyone who is curious about making tech industry a more welcoming and meaningful place.
Perhaps you lead a team. Perhaps you are wondering what kind of influence you can have as an individual contributor.
It doesn’t matter what your job title is — come along and learn from our amazing speakers and from other attendees!
When Friday 7th July 2023 9am—5pm
Where Room RHLT1 Rutherford House Pipitea Campus Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand
Price $150 standard ticket $110 group discount applies to 4th ticket onwards in the same booking.
Ticket sale closes 30th June 2023
If your manager needs persuading, we've written a handy letter to help you convince them!
If you require financial assistance to attend, apply for Conference Attendance Award grant by InternetNZ.
About NZ Tech Rally provide inclusive spaces for the NZ software community to connect and grow together.
For now... we're starting with a conference!
About this event
Tickets from $150
Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 9:00 PM
Room RHLT1 Rutherford House Pipitea Campus Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand